C Beck logo, a stylized c and b

Clemence Mountain

Outdoor recreation meets fashion

The animated C Beck logo
A laptop showing the front page of the Clemence Mountain website


HBS Startup Bootcamp


Product Designer - Sketching, Mockups, Prototyping

Clemence Mountain is an upscale clothing brand that aims to deliver fashionable, high quality apparel for outdoor adventures aimed at high net worth women. This project was completed for the Harvard Business School Startup Bootcamp.


Outdoor recreational clothing is often not designed for women or those who wish to shop with an eye towards style. Clemence Mountain aims to create a space for women to buy clothing that is not only functional outdoors but fashionable. Our desire with their web presence was to highlight these two worlds.

IntroductionProblemDesignFinal ThoughtsPrototype
Clemence Mountain is a brand that bridges the gap for women in the outdoor recreational category between form and function. Their products allow the customer to own gear that is not only great for hiking, fishing, skiing, and more, but also great to wear around town and, more generally, out and about. In order to convey this in the design, I looked at two brands that represent either side of the bridge they are looking to build: Zara and Arcteryx.
The Zara homepage, showing a a square photo of a model looking towards the camera with the word Sale below the image
Zara Homepage
The Arcteryx homepage showing a mountainous landscape with a group of people hiking
Arcteryx Home Page
The Zara catalog page, showing three different pieces of jewelry
Zara Catalog Page
The Arcteryx catalog showing some of their products, such as coats, a pair of gloves, and a winter hat
Arcteryx Catalog Page
For Zara's online presence, they approached it utilizing an ultra-minimalistic design utilizing a lot of negative space and minimal contextual prompts. This practice allows for an element of mystique to present itself as well as an emphasis on the fashion aspects of their brand. Further, their catalog sections emphasized that point by extremely centering the products and maximizing negative space yet again. Arcteryx, on the other hand, utilized a lot more imagery of where you might utilize their products over images of models or clothing. Their catalog pages does utilize a bit more negative space, but the emphasis remains on the technical aspects of their products and where you might use them.

Utilizing this information, I decided that Clemence mountain should take a similar minimalistic approach (albeit not to the same degree as Zara) while also highlighting the aspirational nature of their customers utlizing the gear in outdoor recreation by showcasing outdoor environments where the products could be used.


With our inspiration and ideas cemented, we began the process of designing Clemence Mountain's site through embodying the desire to be functional and fashionable.

The header image of a blog post titled "Car Tents Are The Future" overlaying an image of a car with a tent on top in the middle of a fieldA view of The Mountain section on Clemence Mountain featuring a man wearing sunglasses, a necklace, rhubarb, and a car tent
Within each product page, the user is offered the opportunity to view what the clothing looks like on someone other than a model as well as a testimony to its usefulness. This helps the customer to have a deeper connection with both the brand as well as the product itself. If people are curious to learn more about what people thought of the product, a word cloud of popular phrases from reviews is available for people to quickly scan or delve deeper into full reviews.

Outside of the products, we also created our brand extension called "The Mountain" which is the brand's moodboard and blog. This allows our customers to see where our designers get their inspiration as well as receive information about stuff that is tangentially related to the brand. The idea behind this is to increase our engagement and connection with customers who may not purchase products regularly in order to keep them "in the fold."
The overall design of the site, while relatively simplistic and straightforward, emphasizes the importance of adventure and fashion when it comes to Clemence Mountain's apparel. The product always remains the most important thing to look at, but we provide the same level of aspirational imagery to encourage our customers to fully utilize our products.
An item page from the Clemence Mountain webstie showing a model wearing an Angler vestA view of an item page on the Clemence Mountain page, showing a picture of a woman wearing the vest next to a testimony from the pictured personThe Clemence Mountain homepage, showing left to right a model wearing an Angler vest, a foggy mountain range, and a model showing off a pair of North Dome pants

Final Thoughts

The process of designing Clemence Mountain was an eye-opening one, and a fantastic exercise in designing for a niche audience.

I am extremely proud with how Clemence Mountain came together; this was a project that was completed extremely quickly with a team that had never met one another and was spread out across the country. In the end, we created a product that could exist beyond a simple start-up bootcamp.

Something I was reminded of while designing with this group was remembering who we are designing for. We aren't simply making pretty pictures or a basic website, we are trying to create a product that engages our potential customers and, hopefully, turns them into returning buyers. But it's easy to lose sight and simply do something because it looks cool, so don't lose sight of what you're trying to accomplish.

I do realize that it's a bit highfalutin to say that in making a website for luxury outdoor apparel it is imperative to only focus on the user rather than just a pretty picture, but damn it's true.
A laptop showing the front page of the Clemence Mountain website

Check out the Prototype

Many thanks to the Clemence Mountain team for this opportunity to work on this project. And thanks to Emma, for giving me the chance to do this.